Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Responding to a piece of literary journalism- Can German Atonement Teach America to Finally Face Slavery? by Jane Yager

Can German Atonement Teach America to Finally Face Slavery? by Jane Yager

          The article caught my eye because I lived in Germany for a while. After reading it I understand where she was coming from. When stayed in Germany they do not really openly talk about what happened in World War II, but when it is out in the open they openly admit to dropping the ball on that one.

          Jane is surprised to learn of her own historical family horror and understandable so. I would be appalled if I knew that my ancestors actually owned slaves. She is also how everyone in her family acts about it. Some family members want to sweep it under the carpet; sort of speak, other deny it, and while her grandfather acted like there was nothing wrong with it.

          Understanding environmental conditioning plays a key role to how her family dealt with their soiled ancestry history. Whether denying it, accepting it, atoning for it, or just taking it stride. Everyone has their own level of guilt and their own level of acceptance to the guilt.

Blog #5 Whom do I interview?

          I had planned to interview Prof. Pizziola. She is an art teacher at LaGuardia Comminuty College. I like her she is balls-y. She was clear and consis and I respect her. She took into consideration that I had not been in school in a long time and I was not an artist.
          My mother was an artist. She has a painting of vase with flowers inspired by Picasso and my daughters Sierra and Josphine are the artist in the family both of them have already been featured in a museum in New York City. Sierra in MOMA and Josephine was featured at the Gugganheim the youth devision. I was so proud of them. I just they would continue.  So that is who I wanted to interview.

          Then I actually got in contact with Vin Diesel or better yet Mark Vincent. Unfortunatly, he was busy filming and was not in New York. So there went that idea. So I interviewed a fellow LaGuardia Community College alumni, who is a poet and had been published a few times over. He was coming to my radio show that I have on Wensedays so I figured I would kill two birds with one stone. I usually have standard questions that I sometimes divert from it. I hate when that happens and sometimes; depending on the answer from my guest; leads me to another question that I would not normally as everyone. It was interesting. I usually do live interview on the air and on youtube.

          Overall it was interesting, I had to be concience of what I was going to ask my guest because of this class. Definately a useful tool in story telling and creative writing.  

Where did I go?

          It is odd to think that I spent many years denying myself so much. Especially the opportunity to grow and allow myself to be happy. I am thrilled to feel able to do what I thought was a hobby; to something that can help me, not only make a difference, but to help people become aware, to awaken a thought, to shack out an emotion, to ascend ones soul to the clouds of enlighten knowledge. To smack some fear and anxiety into someone that it makes them want to do something about what is bothering them and what makes someone cry.
          I believe Alexander Hamilton said it best when he said "Those who stand for nothing fall for anything" And it's true with some many things in life. At the same time, if you are not taught to stand up for anything including yourself from anyone... Who do you blame? Society? Your family? The school? Yourself??? Shall we thank the people that created a the fire in your belly? Or the people that snuffed it out to begin with??? Thank the people that helped you heal. Whom were really REALLY there for you.